Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Logo

Over the years many of you have commented on how much you love the Diamond Way Ayurveda logo and asked about where it comes from. Up until now we have been very quiet about this subject and simply said that it is a traditional Tibetan design.

We feel now is the right time to say more. This new coming out began at the Congress of Esthetics in Miami this last month when we finally took a classroom so we could explain more about the company, the tretments and the products.

on strength of this presentation we will be be revising and adding to the website over the next months but until then I just wanted to share more about our logo.

It is a traditional mandala which is a geometric design that guides our minds into a more positive ways of being. Mandalas each have a specific purpose. This particular mandala is for healing in every sense of the word.

Just like in the Native American tradition each of the colors represents a direction.

Blue for the east. Yellow for the south. Red for the west and green for the north. Each direction has an associated quality that is part of the healing process.

Blue represents pacifying quality which means making your clients feel at home and secure with your approach and your knowledge. It is asociated with mirror like wisdom which is about each of us looking at each other and checking out if indeed we have a connection. Blur is ht edoor through which we enter and begin the journey to greater beauty.

Yellow carries the quality of enrichment and the wisdom of equinimity. It is about sharing knowledge and experience with clients and forming a bond of mutual respect.

Red is magnetizing and holds the wisdom of dicrimination. It brings in our passion to communicate what is genuine, special and helpful about our products and services.

Green is the quality of destruction. Not by way of being destructive but by firmly pushing aside all that is not helpful or healthy for the client. It is about all accomplishing wisdom whic is a broad view that embraces green practices and reminds us that our products have always been organic and fair traded.

In the middle sits the white lotus resting on all four of these principles. It gracefully represents the wish that all our treatments and indeed all interactions with our clients gives them more of a clear mind, open heart, beautiful body.

We look forward to sharing more ideas and inforamtion as we all gradually get more computer savvy. Thankyou for your interest in Diamond Way Ayurveda.

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