Friday, March 19, 2010

Trends for Beauty from Within.

I was just at the Natural Products West Show down in Anaheim. I actually went to work for dear friends, Eve and Tom Neuhaus, owners of Sweet Earth Chocolates - a local, organic, fair trade artisan chocolate company. Should you ever need excellent custom recipes or custom packaging for short runs these are the people to contact ( If you ever thought chocolate was not HUGE just watch health nuts grab it vegan, sugar free or NOT. I spent five hours solid cutting samples to keep the mini confection cups full for those culinary delight seekers.

So, Thursday I helped them in the new comers tent then Friday I attended the show. It was huge, exciting and very noisy. The vast majority of the booths were natural food of one sort or other with smaller sections for natural body care. Mostly the big natural retail companies were exhibiting - Weleda, Kiss My Face along with a few great small specialty businesses. We all loved Volcanic Minerals Inc, a northern California company that has great mineral water to drink or use with custom aromas as a spritz and GREAT live mud. I found the best natural beeswax products - It worked like a miracle on the eczema I get when I over extend. Mountain Rose Herbals, the source of many of our organic oils had a beautiful and very classy booth. I discovered the owners are English like me. Then the most unusual find, an Icelandic company with the most beautiful Neti pots and Prana Mats. An organic mat with multiple eco-plastic lotus flower massagers to be like a modern day bed of nails. Really extraordinary. See

The main message seemed to be "Beauty from Within". Not surprising with so many food exhibits, but refreshing. Ayurveda has always called the skin the cream of rasa, meaning the product of our blood quality, which is directly related to what we eat and how well we digest. So once again these ancient teachings are being recognised as truth. The main new foods for the skin were super juice drinks of various sorts. I got the chance to try purple carrot juice - which tasted like pomegranate, fig juice - very like prune juice, both from Smart Juice and sea buckthorn juice - a delicious orangey, tropical flavor made from yellow berries grown in baron parts of the Himalaya. Please check out We know it as a skin care ingredient, now you can drink it AND it is delightful. It goes straight to the top of my Spa Treats list.

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