Monday, November 22, 2010


Ayurvedic treatments rely in part on what is now being called energy medicine. Diamond Way Ayurveda treatments that include work with both marmas and chakras are obvious examples of energy medicine. But energy is also at work in less obvious ways when we use a bell, gong, take time for a prayer at the beginning or end of a treatment or simply extend the hope that we are doing something useful to bring the client into better balance.

Recently I was sent a quote by an Indian yogi that explains energy healing in a beautiful way. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

"When we vibrate in the same way as cosmic vibration, we get in tune with the cosmos. That is why when we repeat OM, we feel cosmic peace. That cosmic vibrations vibrates in our own body. It bring a a sort of realignment in all of the cells of the body, an adjustment or new rhythm. When the cells of the body run restlessly in different ways, we feel sick. But, when we arrange that vibration to make it run smoothly, we feel happy and get healed. By constant repetition of OM, we will be able to mend many physical ailments and, ultimately, the mind also. Then you will experience physical health, mental peace and pure happiness." SWAMIJI

Repeating OM is one way. Touching with love is another. Intention heals too.

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