Monday, February 7, 2011


In his wonderful book Healing Spices, Dr. Bharat Aggarwal describes spices as, " the jewels of the plant kingdom". Meaning, they are the most precious foods that bestow health and promote healing in a variety of ways. He goes onto say, that most spices are powerful antioxidants that act in the body to control and disarm "free radicals" the very chemicals thought to damage cells and cause illness and aging. Many contain phytonutrients that calm inflammation another root cause of several deadly health problems such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and Alzheimer's. He discribes this process as fighting inner rust in the body, an image I love. Interestingly, recent research has found that cultures whose native diet makes regular use of spice have lower rates of colon cancer, heart disease and mental problems. We have all been led to believe that your five servings of fruit and veg is enough but apparently spices contain unique compounds that have been shown to
  • protect tissues against cancer
  • boost our immune systems
  • protect brain cells
  • ease arthritis pain
  • relax menstrual cramps
  • tame nausea
  • control appetite, helping weight loss
  • benefit and protect the skin

So get ready to spice up your life. Still not convinced?

I have to tell you this book is a fascinating read, the recipes are fantastic and original and the whole text inspired me to use even more spice on, in and around my body. Just a taste of the gems of wisdom Dr. Bharat has to share...

Acne- 500mg of turmeric twice a day

Age spots - blend of oil using essential oil of oregano

Depression- 15mg of saffron twice daily bet out Prozac in a good number of cases

Unwanted hair growth in women - 2 cups of spearmint tea during and five days after your menstrual cycle.

Interested now ? I've been glued to this book and it has prompted a search for more spicy ayurvedic skin care formulas. I'll keep you posted.

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