Wednesday, November 17, 2010



“Fair Trade is a people-powered solution to global economic injustice.”
People powdered means bringing about a solution by voting with your choices and your dollars. If people demand more Fair Trade then more businesses will endeavor to become fair trade. We have already witnessed this trend with organic products. Fair trade is the next level in some ways and demand is growing.

What is this economic injustice and how is Fair Trade a solution? The injustice is basically that very often the original producer is paid barely enough to keep them alive while others down the production chain pull in disproportionately large profits. Fair Trade is changing this equation and more besides.
In order for a product or ingredient to be called a Fair Trade item it must be certified by an American or International Fair Trade organization and to gain that certification the producer has to prove three main things.

1. People along every step in the production chain must receive a fair living wage.
2. Workers and their communities are must be treated with dignity.
3. Artisans and producers must take steps to preserve the health of themselves and their environment.

A Fair Trade economy is based on real justice, personal dignity, empowerment of workers, transparency of business practices and respect for all people and the planet we all depend on for life itself.

Know that all essential oils used in Diamond Way Ayurveda products are Fair Trade and support organic farming practices all over the world.

Green America’s Guide to Fair Trade which you can download at or order copies by calling 800/58-GREEN.

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